How-to Guide

Explanations of how to use the core functionality of Jurybox

Click the link: Enter the email address associated with your account. You will receive a reset link in your inbox. Click the link and reset your password. Note, that the link does expire after 30 minutes. If you click the link after it expires, you will need to restart the process again.

Click the plus sign in the upper right hand corner on the cases screen to add a case. Enter the case number, name, details, type, peremptory challenges, number of juror seats and seating arrangement.

To edit a case, click on the little pencil button once you have gone into a case. You can edit the case number, name, details, type, peremptory challenges, number of juror seats and seating arrangement. Editing the case details will not delete any juror information, even if reducing the size of the jury box.

To delete a case, click the trash can button next to the case you want to delete in case list view. Delete removes a case forever and cannot be recovered. To clone a case, click the clone case button next to the case you want to make a copy of in case list view. Clone creates an exact replica of the case.

Jurors can be added directly to the jury box or to the jury pool. Add jurors to the jury box by clicking an empty seat juror seat. Add jurors to the jury pool by clicking the plus button in the upper right corner of the jury pool section, below the dismissed area.

Jurors in the jury box, dismissed area, and jury pool can be edited. To edit, just click on the juror card in the jury box or dismissed area, or the juror row in the jury pool.

To give a juror an impression indicator (e.g. thumbs up/down) click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the juror card for a juror in the jury box or on the juror row for jurors in the jury pool. Then choose an option: Intend to keep (thumbs up), Question further (question mark), Intend to dismiss (thumbs down). To remove the indicator, just click the indicator and choose the same option (shown in bold).

Dismiss jurors from the jury box by dragging the juror card down to the desired category in the dismissed area below the jury box. To dismiss a juror from the jury pool, click the x button on the juror row and select the reason for the dismissal.

The jury pool is a place to enter jurors in a list view, situated below the dismissed area. There is no limit to the jurors you can add here.

Jurors can be promoted to the jury box from the jury pool by clicking the checkbox button on the juror row in the pool. When promoted, they will take the next available seat in the jury box. You can always move a juror back into the jury pool by dragging them back into the pool.

To dismiss a juror from the jury pool, click the X button on the juror row and select the reason for the dismissal. To delete a juror in the jury pool permanently, click the trash can button on the juror row.

You can search through the jury pool by entering text in the search area. Searches include both text and demographics data. You can also sort the jury pool by id/name (numbers first then letters, in alphabetical order).

Jurybox is a subscription based software, which means there is a yearly fee to use it. Jurybox is offered at $399 per year per user. If your office has five attorneys/support personnel that need to use the software, your office would pay $1995 per year. Generous discounts are available for public prosecutors and public defense attorneys, as well as offices with over 5 users. Contact to request a quote if you fall within one of those categories.

Add a note to more than one juror at once by clicking the multi-box button at the top of the screen. Click on the jurors you want to add the note to and confirm your selection. Add the note in the Comments section and click save. The note will be appended to the existing notes in the juror cards of the selected jurors. You can also add demographics to multiple jurors at once with the same button.

There are three convenient operations for the jury box found in the upper right corner of the jury box.

The Clear Jury Box operation removes all jurors from the jury box and puts them back in the jury pool.

The Slide Jurors Over operation moves jurors in the box to the next available seat, filling any open seat. This action would be similar to children sliding over on a park bench to fill any gaps between them.

The Fill From Pool operation takes the top jurors in the jury pool and places them in the corresponding seat in the jury box, with the first person in the list taking seat number 1, the second person taking seat number 2, etc.

Besides making notes for each juror on the juror card, you can also add demographics with selectable dropdowns. To add a demographic, create or edit a case and type a new demographic under the Demographics Tracking Categories field. Once added, those demographics categories will be added to the edit juror screen above the comments section. If you choose to show demographics on juror cards, your selections will be shown at the top of the juror cards, above the comments.

Select the options for demographics by clicking on a juror card. In the edit juror screen, you can either select from options previously input or type a new selection. The options chosen will be used for demographics analytics. You can also use the multiple juror edit button to apply demographics to multiple jurors at once.

If you chose at least one demographic to track, you can view demographics analytics. Access this through the small circle icon that looks like two people, in the upper left corner of the Jurybox web app, or the graphs icon in the upper right corner of Jurybox iPad app.

Demographics analytics has one graph for each demographic category, which depicts the juror population percentage breakdown vs the breakdown of the defense and prosecution peremptory strikes. For example, if you chose race for a demographic to track, the graph would depict what percentage of the jury is Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, etc. It would also depict what percent of the defense and prosecution dismissals were Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, etc. That way, at a glance, you can easily spot any bias, whether in yourself or the other party, and take action as necessary.

By default, the graphs only pull data from the jury box and dismissed area, but you can have it include jurors in the jury pool by selecting the option to include the jury pool.

Jurybox allows you to download a printer friendly PDF of juror notes for all jurors. On the web app, go into the case you would like to print and click the icon of a cloud with a down arrow in the upper left hand corner next to the pencil button. This will download a printer friendly PDF of the juror notes for the case. Note, this feature is only available on the web app (not for iPad) and does require an internet connection.

Jurybox allows for real time collaboration with other Jurybox subscribers who are given access to a case by either sharing the case or being part of the same organization and group. If more than one collaborating user is in the same case at the same time, they will see real time updates from other users.

The way to collaborate with people in your organization is to subscribe multiple users and have them added to your organization and assigned by your admin to the same group as you. All users in the same group will see any new cases that any other user in that group creates. They will also be able to edit any case in their group, including cases created by other members of the group.

The way to collaborate with Jurybox users outside of your organization is for a user to share a case with them. Do this by clicking on the Share Case button next to the case you want to share. Then enter the email address of a valid Jurybox user. The case will then appear in their case list for them to see and edit. If the case does not appear immediately, click the refresh button in the case list screen and it will appear.

Note that users cannot share or delete cases that were not created by them.

You can add additional users to your organization under the account page. To get there, click the ACCOUNT button in the upper right hand corner of the Jurybox web app.

You can add as many users as you like during your free 30 trial. After the trial is over, you will need to pay the subscription fee for each user in your organization.

If you have any available accounts that have already been paid for, you can click the plus sign on the upper right corner of the table to add a user. Just input their name, email, group and user role. Once you add them, they will receive an email with an invite link to join your organization. They just need to click the link and create a password to access their account.

If there are no accounts available, you will either need to pay for an additional account, or delete an existing user in your organization. To pay for an additional account, click the edit button next to subscription info. Add one or more accounts to the current cycle and click update. You will be shown the prorated amount for the additional users added. Click YES to proceed with the purchase.

Even though Jurybox is a Cloud based app, it will still continue to work even when you temporarily loose internet access. The only difference is that you will not see contributions from others while you are offline. Everything else will work the same as in online mode. Once you reestablish your connection, Jurybox will sync up with the Cloud. Note that when you are offline, a red bar with the words "Offline" will show at the top of the screen.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an optional security feature that requires input of an authentication token that you would enter after a username and password. This increases your account security in case someone acquires your username and password.

An admin can require MFA for all users in their organization by clicking the toggle "Require MFA for all users" on the Account page. If this is enabled, all users in an organization would need to setup MFA before signing into their Jurybox account. An individual user can also setup MFA for their own account by clicking the MFA Setup button on the Account page.

To setup MFA, you will need to enable one or more channels and select a preferred channel. A channel is a means to receive an authentication token which needs to be entered on sign up. Options include Email, SMS (i.e. text message), and Authenticator app. Email is configured by default and can always be used as backup.

To configure SMS for MFA, toggle on SMS option in MFA Setup and enter your phone number. You will receive a text message with a token that you enter. If everything worked, you will see a green check appear by SMS. Once configured, select SMS as your preferred channel.

To configure an Authenticator App for MFA toggle on Authenticator App option in MFA Setup. Make sure you download an Authenticator App like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, etc. Use the app to scan the QR code. The app will generate a token which you enter into the space provided. If everything worked, you will see a green check appear by Authenticator App. Once configured, select Authenticator App as your preferred channel.

Represent the actual layout of the courtroom's jury box by using the gaps feature.


Place your mouse over an empty seat in the jury box and you'll notice a small icon in the upper right-hand corner, just below the number. Click on that to add a gap. You can click on the center "-" icon of any gap to remove it at any time.


Press on the "..." icon on the upper right-hand corner of the jury box and select "Show spacer buttons". You'll see buttons available to add or remove gaps in the jury box layout.